Primary Bus Lane Changes

From Monday, 21 February, the bus access lane will be re-designated to exclude general school through traffic and parking. This access lane will be for Buses and Bus Parking ONLY. Parents and Visitors to the College are requested to refrain from driving through or parking in this area. Signs will be in place as of Monday, and staff will be on-site to assist with traffic flow.

Buses that service the Primary Campus will park on both sides of the access road. Students who use the bus will wait in the Bus Bay until a Duty Teacher escorts them to their bus. Students are not to cross the road to the buses parked on the opposite side unless escorted by a Staff member across the crosswalk.

Please see the attached Primary Campus map with the changed traffic conditions to the Bus access lane.  We believe this solution will provide improved safety for students and address the concerns of the bus drivers with the least disruption to parking for parents.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs. Wilson at the Primary Campus Office.